Terms of Service

English version

Splošni pogoji poslovanja

Kupec je lahko fizična ali pravna oseba, upoštevajoč podatke posredovane ob registraciji in oddaji naročila. Fizična oseba je tisti registrirani uporabnik, ki pridobiva ali uporablja blago in storitve za namene izven njegove poklicne ali pridobitne dejavnosti. Kupec z registracijo potrjuje, da sprejema splošne pogoje poslovanja in druge objavljene pogoje ter spremembe, ki jih bo upravitelj Vialco d.o.o. objavil na teh straneh.

Vialco d.o.o. in fizične osebe medsebojne obveznosti urejajo s temi splošnimi pogoji in Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov.

Vialco d.o.o. in pravne ter fizične osebe, ki opravljajo pridobitno dejavnost, medsebojne obveznosti urejajo s posebno pogodbo v pisni obliki oz. sprejemom pogojev ob izvedbi registracije na tej strani. V primerih, ko naročilo izvede pravna ali fizična oseba, ki opravlja pridobitno dejavnost, ne glede na njeno pravnoorganizacijsko obliko ali lastninsko pripadnost, zanjo veljajo določila Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPo) le v primerih, ko je to posebej navedeno v samem zakonu.

Podatki o podjetju

VIALCO, razvojno in proizvodno podjetje, d.o.o.
Zminec 30
SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Matična številka: 6267963000
Davčna številka: 76134849
Zavezanec za DDV: Da (SI76134849)
Družba je vpisana pri Okrožnem sodišču Kranj, št. reg vložka Srg 2012/48574
Matična št.: 6267963000, Osnovni kapital družbe znaša 7.500,00 EUR.
IBAN: SI56 3300 0000 7186 818

Arhiv naročil

Vsi kupci lahko dobijo poleg računa še kopijo naročila, ki so ga oddali na spletu. Prav tako se vsa naročila prek spleta hranijo v arhivu VIALCO d.o.o.. Na pisno željo kupca lahko le temu posredujemo kopijo naročila.

Komercialni pogoji

Objavljene cene se lahko spremenijo brez predhodnega obvestila. Za posamezne nakupe veljajo cene v trenutku oddaje naročila. Vse cene veljajo za en (1) kos, v kolikor ni drugače navedeno. Izberite način plačila, ki vam najbolj odgovarja. Več o načinih plačila si preberite spodaj. Naročila lahko dostavimo na vaš naslov ali na drug naslov po vaši izbiri.

Izvedba ali zavrnitev naročila

VIALCO d.o.o. bo z aktivnostmi, potrebnimi za izvedbo sprejetih naročil, pričel v najkrajšem možnem času. O začetku izvedbe vašega naročila vas bomo obvestili s sporočilom na vaš elektronski naslov. Naročila, ki niso oddana skladno s temi pogoji ali pa so bili pri uveljavitvi komercialnih pogojev pri oddaji naročila uporabljeni načini, ki jih lahko označimo kot nedovoljeno uporabo elektronske izmenjave podatkov, bodo stornirana. VIALCO d.o.o. lahko naročilo, za katerega ugotovi, da ga pod navedenimi pogoji ne more izvesti, zavrne, za kar boste tudi obveščeni.


Cene v spletni trgovini veljajo le za naročila preko spletne trgovine www.onexarchery.com. Akcijski izdelki imajo navedeno veljavnost ponudbe (npr. do razprodaje zalog, ...). V spletni trgovini so objavljene redne cene. Akcijske cene so tiste, ki so posebej označene v akcijski ponudbi in veljajo le kratek čas. Veljavnost cen za izbrane artikle velja na dan nakupa, za izdelke iz zaloge na dan zaključka in oddaje naročila preko spletne trgovine www.onexarchery.com. Vse cene izdelkov na www.onexarchery.com so prikazane v EUR in vključujejo DDV, ki je na končnem obračunu jasno naveden. Pridružujemo si pravico do spremembe cen brez predhodnega obvestila. Ponudba in cene veljajo do umika oz. preklica.


Dostava blaga je omejena na ozemlje Evropske Unije (za dostavo izven EU nas prosim povprašajte). V nobenem primeru VIALCO d.o.o. ni odgovoren za prekoračen rok dostave. Dostava se izvrši na naslov, ki ga boste navedli ob prijavi ali naročilu. V primeru, da vas ob času dostave ni na naslovu, se bo dostavljavec dogovoril z vami o ponovni dostavi brez dodatnih stroškov. V primeru, da zaloga naročenega blaga poide, vas bomo o tem nemudoma obvestili, vam predstavili ostalo ponudbo ali vam sporočili dobavni rok za naročene artikle. Dobavni rok začne teči ob 15.30 uri na dan prejema potrdila o plačilu oz. od takrat, ko ste dobili po elektronski pošti obvestilo, da je vaše naročilo "V obdelavi". Dobavni rok je 7 delovnih dni. Artikli, ki so na zalogi, bodo odposlani še isti dan oz. takoj, po prejetem vplačilu, če je izbrano plačilo "Predračun". V primeru, da izdelki niso na zalogi, ali je dobavni rok daljši kot 7 delovnih dni, vas bomo obvestili o predvidenem roku dobave.

Stroški dostave (od 24. 3. 2023)

Celotni stroški paketne dostave so razvidni iz obračuna pred oddajo vašega naročila. Kasnejših provizij pri dostavi vam dostavna služba ne zaračunava. V primeru vaše preusmeritve paketa na Paketomat ali Paketno trgovino, pa plačate provizijo po ceniku dostavne službe. Dostavo vrši naš pogodbenI partner - Pošta Slovenija.

Način plačila

Izbirate lahko med naslednjimi plačilnimi sistemi:

  1. Plačilo po predračunu:

    Naročeno blago lahko plačate po predračunu s predhodnim nakazilom na transakcijski račun podjetja VIALCO d.o.o.: SI56 3300 0000 7186 818, (odprt 26. 10. 2015, Addiko Bank d.d., VIALCO, razvojno in proizvodno podjetje, d.o.o. )
    Plačilo izvedete na osnovi prejetega e-predračuna, ki vam ga bomo poslali v roku 6 ur od prejma naročila (za naročila oddana izven delovnega časa, pa takoj naslednji dan ). Pri plačilu obvezno navedite sklic, da bomo lahko hitreje obdelali naročilo.

  2. Plačilo po povzetju:

    Plačilo po prevzetju je možno le v Sloveniji. Naročeno blago lahko ob prevzemu plačate z gotovino ali kartico. Pri plačilu po povzetju zaračunamo pavšalni dodatek 1,10€ zaradi manipulativnih stroškov, ki si jih obračuna dostavna služba. Dodatek ni vezan na višino zneska in je fiksen. V kolikor pošiljke ne boste prevzeli in jo bo dostavna služba vrnila na naše stroške nazaj k nam, si pridružujemo pravico, da vam naknadno zaračunamo stroške v višini 10,00 evrov.

  3. Plačilo s PayPal:

    Naročeno blago lahko varno plačate s PayPal računom. Pri plačilu s PayPal zaračunamo pavšalni dodatek 1,10€ (manipulativni stroški). Dodatek ni vezan na višino zneska in je fiksen. Po oddaji naročila s tem načinom plačila ni možno spreminjati vsebine naročila, končnega zneska, naslova za dostavo in drugih dogovorjenih pogojev. V primeru, da vam naročenega blaga ne moremo dostaviti, vam denar, po predhodnem dogovoru, vrnemo na vaš PayPal račun.

Vračilo blaga

Pred vračilom nas obvestite na elektronski naslov ali nas pokličite na telefonsko številko, da se dogovorimo o najboljšem načinu vračila. Odstop od pogodbe moramo vedno prejeti pisno ali osebno. Skladno z 43. členom Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-UPB1) ima potrošnik pravico vrniti kupljeno blago v roku 15 dni skladno z pogoji navedenimi v ZVPot-UPB1, 43.d člen, tretji odstavek, ("Če je potrošnik blago že prejel in od pogodbe odstopi, mora blago nepoškodovano in v nespremenjeni količini odposlati podjetju v petnajstih dneh po sporočilu iz prvega odstavka 43.č člena tega zakona, razen če je blago uničeno, pokvarjeno,izgubljeno ali se je njegova količina manjšala, ne da bi bil za to kriv potrošnik"). Rok za vračilo začne teči naslednji dan po prevzemu blaga. Stroške vračila krije kupec. Odkupninskih pošiljk ne sprejemamo. Izdelki naj bodo nepoškodovani in v originalni embalaži s priročniki in vsemi garancijskimi potrdili. Vračilu obvezno priložite kopijo originalnega računa. Kupnino za vrnjene artikle vam bomo nakazali na vaš transakcijski račun ali vam po dogovoru šteli kupnino kot dobropis pri naslednjem nakupu. Denar vračamo izključno na transakcijske račune in ne izplačujemo gotovine. Edini strošek, ki bremeni potrošnika v zvezi z odstopom od pogodbe, je neposreden strošek vračila blaga. V kolikor so izdeki poškodovani, rabljeni, umazani, brez originalne embalaže ali pa je ta poškodovana, si trgovec pridržuje, da vračilo zavrne ali pa zaračuna ustrezno odškodnino. Denar vam vrnemo takoj, ko prejmemo blago oziroma najkasneje v 30 dneh.
Vračilo oz. odstop od pogodbe ne pride v poštev v naslednjih primerih:

V pojem blago, ki ga obravnava ZVPot, se šteje tudi prodajno embalažo, saj je sestavni del pošiljke. Z uničenjem ali poškodovanjem embalaže se vrednost blaga zniža. Vsako embalažo je namreč možno lepo odpreti tako, da ni vidnih posledic odprtja. Za poškodovano embalažo, za katero je odgovoren potrošnik (npr; ker je pri vračilu nepazljivo zapakiral paket, ali ker je ob odpiranju nepotreboma raztrgal embalažo) lahko trgovec zaračuna odškodnino do višine 30% vrednosti blaga.

Svetujemo Vam: da pred vračilom blago ustrezno zavarujete v primerni embalaži za pošiljanje. V primeru, ko želite uveljaviti reklamacijo ali potrebujete dodatne informacije, nam pošljite sporočilo na info@onexarchery.com.

Posodobljeno: 24. 3. 2023

Terms of Service

The buyer may be a natural or legal person, taking into account the information provided at the time of registration and order placement. A natural person is a registered user who acquires or uses goods and services for purposes outside his professional or gainful occupation. By registering, the Buyer confirms that he/she accepts the General Terms and Conditions and other published terms and conditions, as well as the amendments that the Administrator of Vialco d.o.o. will publish on these pages.

The mutual obligations of Vialco d.o.o. and natural persons shall be governed by these General Terms and Conditions and the Act on the Protection of Consumer Protection Law.

Vialco d.o.o. and legal and natural persons engaged in a profit-making activity shall regulate their mutual obligations by a specific written agreement or by accepting the terms and conditions upon registration on this website. In cases where the contract is carried out by a legal or natural person engaged in a gainful activity, irrespective of its legal organisation form of legal entity or ownership, it shall be subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPo) only in cases where it is this is specifically provided for in the Act itself.

Company information

VIALCO, razvojno in proizvodno podjetje, d.o.o.
Zminec 30
SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Registration number: 6267963000
Tax number: 76134849
Liable for VAT: Yes (SI76134849)
The company is registered with the District Court of Kranj, Reg. No. Srg 2012/48574, the company's share capital is 7,500.00 EUR
IBAN: SI56 3300 0000 7186 818

Order archive

All customers can receive a copy of the order they placed online in addition to their invoice. All online orders are also kept in the archives of VIALCO d.o.o.. Only at the written request of the customer, we can provide him with a copy of the order.

Commercial Terms

Published prices are subject to change without notice. Prices for individual purchases are valid at the time the order is placed. All prices are for one (1) item unless otherwise stated. Please choose the payment method that suits you best. Please read more about payment methods below. Orders can be delivered to your address or to another address of your choice.

Execution or refusal of an order

VIALCO d.o.o. will start as soon as possible the activities necessary to implement the accepted orders. We will inform you of the start of the execution of your order by sending a message to your e-mail address. Orders not placed in accordance with these terms and conditions or orders placed using methods that may be considered as unauthorised use of electronic data interchange in the implementation of the commercial terms and conditions will be cancelled. VIALCO d.o.o. may refuse any order which it determines that it is unable to perform under these conditions, and you will be notified of this.


The prices in the online shop are only valid for orders placed via www.onexarchery.com. Special offer products have a validity period (e.g. while stocks last, etc.). Regular prices are published in the online shop. Promotional prices are those which are specifically indicated in the promotional offer and are valid only for a short period of time. The validity of the prices for the selected items is valid on the day of purchase, for stock items on the day of completion and placing the order via the online shop www.onexarchery.com. All prices for products on www.onexarchery.com are shown in EUR and include VAT, which is clearly indicated on the final invoice. We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice. The offer and prices are valid until withdrawn or cancelled.


Delivery is limited to the territory of the European Union (for delivery outside the EU, please ask us). In no event shall VIALCO d.o.o. be liable for any delivery time overrun. Delivery will be made to the address you provide at the time of registration or order. In the event that you are not at the address at the time of delivery, the delivery person will arrange with you for redelivery at no additional cost. In the event that the stock of the ordered goods is out of stock, we will inform you immediately, present you with the rest of the offer or inform you of the delivery date for the ordered items. The delivery period will start at 15.30 on the day of receipt of your payment confirmation or from the time you are notified by email that your order is "In Process". The delivery time is 7 working days. Items that are in stock will be dispatched the same day or immediately upon receipt of payment, if " Pre-payment " is selected. In the event that items are out of stock or the delivery time is longer than 7 working days, we will inform you of the estimated delivery time.

Delivery charges (from 24.3.2023)

The total cost of the package delivery is shown on your invoice before you place your order. You will not be charged any subsequent delivery fees by the delivery service. However, in the event of your package being redirected to a Package Machine or Package Store, you will pay a fee at the delivery service's rate.

Payment method

You can choose from the following payment systems:

  1. Payment by invoice:

    You can pay for the ordered products by invoice, by prior transfer to the transaction account of VIALCO d.o.o.: SI56 3300 0000 7186 818, (opened on 26.10.2015, Addiko Bank d.d.), Payment is made on the basis of the e-invoice received, which will be sent to you within 6 hours of receipt of the order (for orders placed outside working hours, the next day). When making the payment, please be sure to provide a reference so that we can process the order more quickly.

  2. Payment on delivery

    Payment on delivery is possible only for orders inside Slovenia. You can pay for your order in cash or by card upon delivery. For cash on delivery, we charge a flat-rate surcharge of €1.10 for handling costs charged by the delivery service. The surcharge is not linked to the amount and is fixed. If you do not collect the parcel and it is returned to us by the delivery service at our expense, we reserve the right to charge you a subsequent fee of €10.00.

  3. Payment with PayPal:

    You can pay for the goods you order securely with a PayPal invoice. When paying by PayPal, we charge a flat-rate surcharge of €1.10 (handling costs). The surcharge is not linked to the amount and is fixed. Once an order has been placed with this payment method, it is not possible to change the content of the order, the final amount, the delivery address and other agreed terms. In the event that we are unable to deliver the goods you have ordered, we will, by prior arrangement, refund the money to your PayPal account.

Returning the goods

Before returning, please email us or call us to discuss the best way to return the item. We must always receive your withdrawal in writing or in person. According to Article 43 of the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-UPB1), the consumer has the right to return the purchased goods within 15 days in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 43d, third paragraph, of the ZVPot-UPB1 ("If the consumer has already received the goods and withdraws from the contract, the goods must be sent back to the company undamaged and in the same quantity within 15 days of the notification referred to in the first paragraph of Article 43d of the Consumer Protection Act"). The period for reimbursement begins on the day following receipt of the goods. The costs of return shall be borne by the buyer. We do not accept redemption shipments. Products should be undamaged and in their original packaging with manuals and all warranty certificates. Please enclose a copy of the original invoice with your return. We will credit the purchase price for the returned items to your transaction account or, if agreed, we will give you a credit for your next purchase. We only refund money to transaction accounts and do not pay cash. The only cost to the consumer of withdrawing from the contract is the direct cost of returning the goods. If the products are damaged, second-hand, dirty, without original packaging or damaged, the trader reserves the right to refuse the return or to charge appropriate compensation. We will refund your money as soon as we receive the goods or within 30 days at the latest.
Refund or withdrawal from the contract is not possible in the following cases:

Sales packaging is also included in the definition of goods covered by the ZVPot, as it is an integral part of the consignment. Destruction or damage to the packaging reduces the value of the goods. Every package can be neatly opened in such a way that the effects of opening are not visible. For damaged packaging for which the consumer is responsible (e.g. because the consumer was careless when returning the package, or because the consumer unnecessarily tore the packaging when opening it), the seller may charge compensation of up to 30% of the value of the goods.

You are advised to: properly secure the goods in suitable packaging for return before returning them. If you wish to make a claim or require further information, please send us an email to info@onexarchery.com.

Updated: 24. March 2023